
Teesside Hackspace is a non-profit group running a community-operated workshop in Middlesbrough where members can come together to share tools and knowledge.

Get Involved

We hold public open evenings every Tuesday from around 7pm at our space in Brighouse Business Village.


Our members have a hand in the running of the organisation as well as 24/7 access to the space. Pay us what you think is fair — join Teesside Hackspace.


Join us on Matrix!

Come chat to us on Matrix! No need to become a member to join in, just install the Element app or preview in your browser and login with your Teesside Hackspace account or create a new one.

We've recently moved from Slack to Matrix, with our old Slack channels bridged to matrix and mirrored in both directions. New users should join us on Matrix, but if you're having trouble, you can still sign up for a Slack account by entering your email address below.
